Part numbers
The types of some transistors can be parsed from the part number. There are three major semiconductor naming standards; in each the alphanumeric prefix provides clues to type of the device:
Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) has a standard for transistor part numbers. They begin with "2S",
[20] e.g. 2SD965, but sometimes the "2S" prefix is not marked on the package – a 2SD965 might only be marked "D965"; a 2SC1815 might be listed by a supplier as simply "C1815". This series sometimes has suffixes (such as "R", "O", "BL"... standing for "Red", "Orange", "Blue" etc.) to denote variants, such as tighter h
FE (gain) groupings.
Beginning of Part Number | Type of Transistor |
2SA | high frequency PNP BJTs |
2SB | audio frequency PNP BJTs |
2SC | high frequency NPN BJTs |
2SD | audio frequency NPN BJTs |
2SJ | P-channel FETs (both JFETs and MOSFETs) |
2SK | N-channel FETs (both JFETs and MOSFETs) |
The Pro Electron part numbers begin with two letters: the first gives the semiconductor type (A for Germanium, B for Silicon, and C for materials like GaAs); the second letter denotes the intended use (A for diode, C for general-purpose transistor, etc.). A 3-digit sequence number (or one letter then 2 digits, for industrial types) follows (and, with early devices, indicated the case type – just as the older system for vacuum tubes used the last digit or two to indicate the number of pins, and the first digit or two for the filament voltage). Suffixes may be used, such as a letter (e.g. "C" often means high h
FE, such as in: BC549C
[21]) or other codes may follow to show gain (e.g. BC327-25) or voltage rating (e.g. BUK854-800A
[22]). The more common prefixes are:
Prefix class | Usage | Example |
AC | Germanium small signal transistor | AC126 |
AF | Germanium RF transistor | AF117 |
BC | Silicon, small signal transistor ("allround") | BC548B |
BD | Silicon, power transistor | BD139 |
BF | Silicon, RF (high frequency) BJT or FET | BF245 |
BS | Silicon, switching transistor (BJT or MOSFET) | BS170 |
BL | Silicon, high frequency, high power (for transmitters) | BLW34 |
BU | Silicon, high voltage (for CRT horizontal deflection circuits) | BU508 |
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